Placed on the given site and works offered on sale, belong to two known artists in Israel which having crossed through own I, have managed to create such creative tandem which has opened absolutely new horizons in the modern art. You will see it and will feel, having familiarized with the works placed in the given site. We will notice, that in their works it is possible to find out elements of a cubism, futurism, realism, abstraction and so on. They named this direction very shortly-KFAR-kubo-futuristic abstracted realism. It is natural, that in different works it is shown in different degree. In each case it is dictated by expressiveness of concrete work. Not stopping in detail on all nuances of their creativity (they are in detail described in already published four catalogues) we will notice, that their works get the increasing value, as in Israel, and abroad.

We consider, that for today, acquisition of their works will be very favorable investment. As they have agreed for the first time on sale of the works through the Internet. It also defines comprehensible enough price for the potential buyer. Pleasant to you of acquisitions!